Refund Form


Thanks for using the fees refund form. Please allow 10-15 working days for processing.

Please note:

  • If the payment was made by credit card, refund will be paid back to that credit card where possible.
  • Library debts must be paid directly to the library before any refund can be processed.
  • Refunds sent to an international address or bank accounts are processed in Australian dollars except where the international bank procedure states otherwise.
  • All refunds must be made payable to the student or (if applicable) the fee payer. If your fees have been paid by a third party; appropriate advice must be given when applying for a refund. In certain circumstances proof of payment may be required.

Please allow up to two weeks for processing.

For further information, please refer to the Applying for a refund FAQ.

  • If you are unable to submit the form, then most likely a few mandatory details have not been completed in the form or the details are not in the right format. Please verify that all required details have been filled in the form.
  • If you didn't receive a confirmation email after submission, please check your spam folder
  • If you have trouble with a CAPTCHA, then, try reloading it to get a different code. You can do this by reloading the page in your browser
  • If you can no longer access your UoM student email account, then please proceed to Non-current student registration to create an account and proceed submitting the refund.
  • If you are a current student and experience technical issues accessing single-sign-on, please contact Stop 1 or Student IT for assistance.

Current Student

OKTA Single-SignOn >

If you have a Melbourne University student email account

you will be redirected to OKTA login.

Non-current Student

If you have not registered, please register an account first.

Non-current Student registration >

If you can no longer access your University of Melbourne student email account

Non-current Student Login >

Use your credentials made in this site.